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Live Video Production Platform

A desktop application for managing broadcasting content, such as cameras in the field, video clips, visual effects, and sound, as well as uploading live content. 

Managing broadcasts has typically been done in control rooms with physical devices (screens, volume dials, etc.), and the idea was to move these capabilities to a cloud-based application. This would replace the traditional control rooms that are familiar to us from TV shows. The goal was to simplify use to be accessible to a wider audience so it could conduct live, online broadcasts -- at conferences, for example.

As part of our research, we interviewed TV directors to understand how they currently work in the control room and to learn their needs. We realized that before every broadcast, they have an idea about what type of media they need. We adjusted the structure of the app to make different types of media accessible, so users can easily retrieve the content and prepare the broadcast in parallel with the broadcast preview.


Desktop App


